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COSC 625 Real Time Processing -- In CLASS LAB WORK -- Fall 2010

22 September 2010 - Today's purpose is educational! Those of you who are good programmers in Java will assist those of you who are not.
Work in a paired programming style, where the first programmer is the more experienced programmer. After 10 minutes, switch with the navigator.
  1. Starting from Process2.java and HelloWorld1.java, make code so that each task outputs the entire String without interleaving from any other output task.
    DO NOT just copy and paste any already obtained solution from before today's paired programming.
  2. This is a basic producer/consumer problem.
    Create a circular queue that comprises an int array size 1024, a head index and a tail index. Access to this array is controlled by a binary semaphore.
    Create two tasks:Producer and Consumer. Producer runs a for loop with 100 iterations. Each iteration, Producer randomly generates an int and stores the int in the queue.
    At the end of Producer's iterations, Producer outputs an "Execution complete" or similar.
    Consumer has two (or three) counters: even counter (optional odd counter) and total counter. Consumer runs a for loop with 5 iterations. Each iteration,
    Consumer accesses the queue. If there is data available in the queue, Consumer will delete a single datum, determine if the datum is even or odd, increment
    the even or odd counter as appropriate, and increment a total count. When Consumer completes its iterations, it outputs the result of its counts.
When class time is over, copy your best code to your own space and work on it on your own or with friends. Make sure you understand your solution.

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