Hints for Completing a Simple Scheduler with IO

The path to victory:

  1. Modify Job.java so that burstTime is now LinkedList<Integer> burstTimes
    1. Change the Job constructors so that they take a LinkedList<Integer> argument.
    2. Modify Submittor.java to parse the input file for the string of burst durations, creating a LinkedList<Integer>of them
    3. Modify SystemSimulator.AddNewProcess to take LinkedList<Integer> as an argument.
  2. To Scheduler.java add
    1. public abstract void startIO();
    2. public abstract void finishIO(Job j);
    3. public abstract boolean hasReadyJobs(); // true if readyQ not empty.  Consider when it is appropriate to use this as opposed to hasJobs, hasJobsQueued.
  3. Modify FCFSScheduler.java
    1. Add a data structure, an “input queue”, such as a ConcurrentLinkedQueue, to store the Jobs that are currently blocked on an IO operation.  (Thus every Job is either the one currently running, or is on the ready queue, or this new data structure.)
    2. Implement the new abstract methods.
    3. Alter makeRun() to accommodate readyQ entries (Jobs) that have already been started, but were re-entered on the readyQ by a IODevice.  See Thread.isAlive().
  4. Create the IODevice class. 
    1. This is a simple Thread class.  It will need three instance variables: the Job it is associated with, the # of msec of its IO operation, and a reference either to the kernel or to its Scheduler.
    2. It’s run() is basically a sleep for the appropriate # of msec, followed by code that reinserts its Job back into the ready queue, (as well as removing that Job from the “input” queue.)  See Scheduler.finishIO.
  5. Alter SystemSimulator.java so that its run() will continue for so long as either the Submittor has not yet submitted all its Jobs, or there are Jobs in either the ready queue, or in the input queue (i.e. blocked on input).

I recommend structuring Job.run() like this:
  public void run()
      //Should block here until the OS blocks itself on this Job's Condition
       while(!burstTimes.isEmpty()) {  // While there remains an IO/CPU pair
       exit();  //exit needs to signal the condition, and release the lock

where doIO and doCPU are helper functions in Job.java.  doCPU will mostly consist of the code that was in the previous assignment’s version of Job.run().  Job.doIO() will, among other things, call SystemSimulator.doIO(int msec).

You'll need to add another pair of await() and signal() on Job's Condition object. Consider that Job threads will invoke SystemSimulator.doIO(). That method will need to do several things, but most importantly it will need to send a signal() to the Condition, because the kernel should be blocked on a matching await() (probably in FCFSScheduler.makeRun()). The Job will then immediately invoke an await() on the same Condition. This will pass control to the kernel. (The Condition acts like a baton that the kernel and the Job pass back and forth to control who is running.) The signal() for this new await() will be invoked in FCFSScheduler.makeRun().