Plotting points on a TI-86

Although plotting points is the easiest thing we do graphically, it's unfortunately one of the more complicated things we do on a graphing calculator. We have to enter the points, tell the calculator that we want it to graph some points (and only graph points), then have the calculator choose the screen and actually plot the points. With this in mind, let's start. We will plot the following points:

















A. Entering the points

  1. Press the yellow '2nd' button, then the '+' button (which means we really want the yellow STAT menu).
  2. Press the F2 button below the word 'EDIT' at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Move the cursor up to where it says xStat. Press the 'CLEAR' button, then press ENTER.
  4. Do the same for the column whose top is yStat.
  5. Move back to the xStat column, to the spot below the very top. We may now enter in the x-values by typing them in, and pressing ENTER as we go.
  6. Move back to the yStat column, and enter the y-values.

B. Shutting off the function graphing.  To 'shut-off' any of the functions you have listed:

C. Telling the calculator it needs to plot points:

  1. Press the yellow '2nd' button, then the '+' button (which gives us the STAT menu.)
  2. Press the button just below the word 'PLOT' at the bottom of the screen (this should be F3).
  3. Press the button below 'PLOT1' at the bottom of the screen (this should be F1).
  4. Move the blinking cursor over the word 'ON', then press 'ENTER'.

D. Tell the calculator to plot the points!

  1. Press the 'GRAPH' button.
  2. Now press the button just below the word 'ZOOM' at the bottom of the screen (this should be F3).
  3. Press the 'MORE' button.
  4. At the bottom of the screen you should see 'ZDATA'. Press the button just below it (this should be F5).