Last Programming Assignment !

What to do:

    Implement a linked list similar to what we did in class, except maintain the list in alphabetical order by name. Your node declaration should contain instance data that includes a name (String) , a quiz grade (an integer) and a reference to a Node. To make the programming easier, your constructor for the linked list should insert a dummy node with the name "zzzzzz".

Some other implementation details:

- the Node class must be implemented as a private inner class
- the LinkedList must implement two methods for printing out the content of the list: printForward() and printReverse() . Both of these
methods must employ recursion. Neither method should print out the dummy node.
-the LinkedList class must employ a method int getCount() that returns the number of Nodes contained in the list. This number should not include the dummy node.
- your program should accept input from the user, as in:
       Enter name (STOP to terminate):    smith                   ("smith" typed by user an converted to all upper case before insertion)
       Enter quiz score:   67
- after all the data has been input (that is, the user has typed "STOP"), the user is presented with a menu:
       1) Print list in forward order
       2) Print list in reverse order
       3) Print number of nodes
       4) Stop the program
       Enter choice _
The menu accepts the input, executes the appropriate method(s) , and redisplays the menu. This continues until the user enters 4. If the user
enters anything other than the correct choices, an error message is displayed ("Please enter either a 1, 2, 3, or 4. Hit ENTER to continue."),
<Enter> must be entered, and the menu is redisplayed.

Below is a sample of how your execution should look. I will grade you according to how closely your program looks like the following. Any deviation from what you see below will cause you to loose points (bold indicates user input ):

Enter name (STOP to terminate):   smith
Enter quiz score:  80

Enter name (STOP to terminate):   JoNeS
Enter quiz score:  70

Enter name (STOP to terminate):   edwards
Enter quiz score:  60

Enter name (STOP to terminate):   ZeLDA
Enter quiz score:  95

Enter name (STOP to terminate):   ADams
Enter quiz score:  20

Enter name (STOP to terminate):   stop

1) Print list in forward order
2) Print list in reverse order
3) Print number of nodes
4) Stop the program
Enter choice 1


1) Print list in forward order
2) Print list in reverse order
3) Print number of nodes
4) Stop the program
Enter choice 2


1) Print list in forward order
2) Print list in reverse order
3) Print number of nodes
4) Stop the program
Enter choice 3

There are 5 nodes in the list

1) Print list in forward order
2) Print list in reverse order
3) Print number of nodes
4) Stop the program
Enter choice a

Please enter either a 1, 2, 3, or 4. Hit ENTER to continue.  (user enters <ENTER> )

1) Print list in forward order
2) Print list in reverse order
3) Print number of nodes
4) Stop the program
Enter choice 4