Class for a sale of one item with discount expressed as a percent of the price,
but no other adjustments.
Class invariant: The price is always nonnegative; the name is a
nonempty string; the discount is always nonnegative.
public class DiscountSale extends Sale
private double discount; //A percent of the price. Cannot be negative.

public DiscountSale( )
super( );
discount = 0;

Precondition: theName is a nonempty string; thePrice is nonnegative;
theDiscount is expressed as a percent of the price and is nonnegative.
public DiscountSale(String theName,
double thePrice, double theDiscount)
super(theName, thePrice);

public DiscountSale(DiscountSale originalObject)
discount = originalObject.discount;

public Object clone( )
return new DiscountSale(this );

public static void announcement( )
System.out.println("This is the DiscountSale class.");

/* The following is an overridden method */

public double bill( )
double fraction = discount/100;
return (1 - fraction)*getPrice( );

public double getDiscount( )
return discount;

Precondition: Discount is nonnegative.
public void setDiscount(double newDiscount)
if (newDiscount ≥ 0)
discount = newDiscount;
System.out.println("Error: Negative discount.");

public String toString( )
return (getName( ) + " Price = $" + getPrice( )
+ " Discount = " + discount + "%\n"
+ " Total cost = $" + bill( ));

public boolean equals(Object otherObject)
if (otherObject == null)
return false;
else if (getClass( ) != otherObject.getClass( ))
return false;
DiscountSale otherDiscountSale =
return (super.equals(otherDiscountSale)
&& discount == otherDiscountSale.discount);
