
# filename:  whileloop.pl

# Some looping examples.

# first.....an infinite loop

use strict;
my $name;

while (1<2)           # this is always true
	print "Enter your name ";
	print "Hello ",name,"\n";

# that was REALLY bad. Let's try the same thing BUT.....
# lets exit the loop if the user enters the string "stop"

while (1<2)           # this is always true
	print "Enter your name ";
	if ($name eq "stop")		# if the user typed in "stop", we jump out of the loop
	print "Hello ",name,"\n";
print "That is all\n";

# a loop to add all the numbers from 1 to 100

my $sum;
my $x;


while($x <=100)
print "The sum is ",$sum,"\n";