
# Formatting ouput !!!!
# otherwise known as the printf statement

use strict;
my $a=234;
my $b=12;
my $f1=123.4567;
my $name="Joe";
my $grade=65;

#  %10d    allocates 10 spaces for an integer, justifies right
#  %-10d   allocates 10 spaces for an integer, justifies left
#  %10.3f  allocates 10 spaces for a floating point, 3 digits after the decimal
#  %-10s   allocates 10 spaces for a string, left justifies
#  %10c    allocates 10 spaces for a character, justifies right . Expression must
#               be specified as an ASCII number.

printf ("The numbers are %-10d%-10d %10d\n",$a,$b,$a+$b);
printf ("The floating point number is %-10.2f\n",$f1);
printf ("The string is %-10s\n",$name);
printf ("Your grade is %-4c\n",$grade);

	printf("The character is %c  %d\n",$grade,$grade);