A Quickie Cheat Sheet on the String Functions (Chap 9 of Lee)

1) The length of a string

print "$howLong\n";        # will print 5

Possible quiz question: what is the output if the user types "Hello" (without the quotes) followed by the return key:

print "$howLong\n";

print "$howLong\n";

print "$howLong\n";

2) index function
Scans for substring. Scanning occurs from left to right.

Strings are index starting at the number 0. That is, if $line="Hello" then
index 0 is 'H'
index 1 is 'e'
index 2 is 'l'
index 3 is 'l'
index 4 is 'o'

SYNTAX: index(string, substring) or index(string, substring, start_position)

so index('Hello' , 'el') would return 1
    index('The price is right' ,  'is')  would return 10
    index('The price is right'  , ' dog') would return -1, indicating the substring was not found.

Note that index starts scanning from left to right and will return the FIRST occurence of the string.So

index('where oh where are you?'    ,   'where') would return 0

One can optionally specify a third parameter, which indicates a starting position for the scan to start.

index('where oh where are you?'   ,   'where'    , 3 ) would return   9

3) rindex function
Just like the index function, but scanning occurs from right to left.
SYNTAX :    rindex(string, substring) or rindex(string, substring, start_position)

4) substr function
SYNTAX: substr(string  ,  start_index  , length )
Returns the substring of specified length beginning at start_index

substr('Jefferson Airplane'  ,  6  ,  3) returns the string 'son'

4) Transliteration
This is a character by character translation.

$line=~  tr/H/h/;
print "$line\n";    # will print        hello

$line="123 Main Street";
$line =~  tr/0123456789/abcdefghij/ ;
print "$line\n"    # will print         bcd Main Street

$line="bobby smith";
$line =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/ ;
print "$line\n";         # will print    BOBBY SMITH

Note: character classes are not permitted. Ranges (like A-Z) are permitted.

$line="123 Main Street";
$line = ~ tr/12/a/d;          # Note 1-->a , no specification for 2 but a d is given at end --> delete!!
print "$line\n";                #will print                   a3 Main Street