
use strict;

my $name;
my $address;

# next and last
# next will take you to the next iteration of the loop
# last will jump out of the loop



 print "Please enter your name: ";
 next if ($name eq "stop");    # could say last if ($name eq "stop")
 print "Enter address ";
 print "$name\n";
 print "$address\n";


print "I left the loop\n";

# Lists and Arrays



my @array1=(10,20,30);
my @array2=("bill" , "joe" , "sue");
my @array3=("bill", @array2, "joe","bill",@array1,"sue");

print "@array3";




my $first=10;
my $last=12;

my @ar=($first..$last, 12,56,"bill",12..18,'a'..'f');

print "TEST **** @ar\n";

my $a="joe";
my $b="sue";

my @array5=(34,56,$a,$b);

print "BEfore pop array is @array5\n";

my $pop_value=pop(@array5);

print "after pop value is $pop_value and array is @array5\n";

# undef and defined

my @data=(10,20,30);

my $x1=shift(@data);
my $x2=shift(@data);
my $x3=shift(@data);
my $x4=shift(@data);

print "x1 is $x1 x2 is $x2 x3 is $x3 x4 is $x4\n";

if (defined($x4))
 print "x4 has a value\n";
 print "x4 doesnt have a value\n";

my @big_array;